If you have asthma or allergies, then you’re probably well aware of all the grasses and weeds that flourish and mess with your respiratory system during the summer months. But there are other less well known triggers that may be causing you to sneeze and wheeze. Read on to learn what they are and what you can do about them.

The Trigger:Fruits and Vegetables

What You Can Do:Fruits and veggies are almost always good for you. But if you feel your lips begin to tingle after biting into what would be an otherwise healthy treat, you may have oral allergy symptom. This means the fruit/vegetable you’re eating has similar proteins to the grasses/weeds you’re allergic too. The solutions are to simply stop eating that particular fruit/veggie, or if your reaction is mild enough, to go on eating it anyhow.

The Trigger:Chlorine

What You Can Do:What You Can Do: For some people, the smell of chlorine can cause asthma and allergy symptoms. You can avoid swimming or simply deal with the symptoms. Or, if you have your own pool, you can try switching to a saltwater chlorinator to keep it sanitized. These aren’t chlorine-free, but the chlorine isn’t as strong and you shouldn’t get that chlorine smell.

The Trigger:Bugs

What You Can Do:Some people have severe allergic reactions to various bugs and insects. So make sure to wear bug spray and avoid wearing perfume or brightly colored clothes because, in all seriousness, a bug could mistake you for a delicious nectar-filled flower. Also, check with an allergist who may suggest carrying epinephrine in case of emergency.

The Trigger:Campfire Smoke

What You Can Do:Making smores is much more enjoyable when you’re not having an asthma attack. But unfortunately, smoke is a common asthma trigger. You can minimize the risk by sitting upwind of the smoke and not getting too close to the campfire. Or, you can ditch the campfire altogether and make smores in the microwave.