Charity Seeks Used Nebulizers

July 03, 2013 1 min read

As many of our readers know, it can be scary to have a child who suffers from asthma especially when their symptoms get worse. Fortunately, nebulizers are readily available in America and most people can afford one. But not everyone is so blessed.

Families in Nicaragua, for example, may have to carry their child several miles before reaching a hospital to get a nebulizer treatment. And once they finally do, they’ll likely have to wait in line for a turn on the machine as many hospitals don’t have enough nebulizers to meet the needs of their patients.

In fact, more nebulizers are needed all across Central and South America. Global Links, a medical charity founded in 1989, is doing something about this—and you can help. Global Links collects used nebulizers from hospitals, clinics, and individuals like you for use in needy areas.

Due to the requirements of areas in which they work, Global Links can’t accept battery operated nebulizers, but will gladly take traditional plug-into-the-wall nebulizer machines. Information on how to donate your used nebulizer or fund their nebulizer program can be found at their site.

If you have a nebulizer you no longer need, please consider taking the time to donate. Asthma is on the rise throughout Central and South America, especially in children. Local environmental conditions such as dust from unpaved roads, smoke from cooking, and burning garbage all contribute to the situation.

Though there’s currently a great unmet need, it doesn’t have to stay that way. You can make a difference.