Eating Fish at Early Age May Decrease Chances of Developing Asthma

November 28, 2012 1 min read

Baby NebulizerI’ve always found it odd that fish is supposed to be good for you. I mean, it’s delicious. And everything else that’s delicious will apparently kill you.  Now a group of scientists have concluded that in addition to lowering your blood pressure, reducing your risk of heart attacks, aiding brain function, and preventing inflammation fish can decrease the risk of your child developing asthma or allergies.

A study of over 4,000 Swedish children looked at risk factors affecting asthma and allergies. It found that those who were given antibiotics during the first week of life were more likely to develop asthma. But antibiotics are “given to newborns to stop potentially lethal infections that can be passed on from mother to baby during birth.” And lethal infections are a bigger concern than asthma.

So what’s a parent who wants their child both infection and asthma free to do? Try introducing fish into their diet. The study showed that children who start eating fish before 9 months had significantly lower chances of developing asthma or allergies.

How does this work? According to the study, “Fish, being rich in n-3 PUFA, has been suggested to oppose the action of n-6 PUFA, thus decreasing the risk of allergy.” I have no idea what that means. But maybe some doctors read this blog and will find it interesting.

Moral of the story: eat fish. But if you or your child do end up developing asthma, remember you can always buy one of our awesome nebulizers. Just a thought.