Asthma Treatment and COVID-19

September 21, 2020 2 min read

Asthma Treatment and COVID-19

Are any changes recommended to the asthma treatment of a person with asthma who has COVID-19?

If a person with asthma regularly takes controller medications, do not stop them if diagnosed with COVID or other viruses that affect the respiratory tract. It’s important to keep your asthma under control so you do not have an exacerbation requiring a visit to the emergency room or urgent care.  If you are having breathing issues that need your quick-relief inhaler more than two or three times a week, call your doctor.

If nebulizer use at home is necessary for persons with asthma who have respiratory symptoms or a diagnosis of COVID-19, there are a few things to consider:

  • Use your nebulizer in a location that avoids or at least minimizes exposure of other household members.
  • Limit the number of people in the room where the nebulizer is being used.
  • Clean your nebulizer regularly, following the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Use your nebulizer in areas where air is not recirculated into the home, such as the patio or porch.

Wear a face mask to keep you from spreading viruses to other people.  Even most persons with asthma can safely wear a mask.

  • You can choose a fabric mask that allows you to breathe while talking and walking quickly.
  • A cloth or homemade 3 layer face mask probably will not fit tightly enough to affect your oxygen.
  • The WHO recommends three layers: an outer water resistant layer, a middle non-woven fabric layer and an inner layer of cotton.
  • If you hold your mask up to the light, you should not be able to see the light through it.
  • Even close fitting medical masks, when worn the right way, do not cause you to breathe in more carbon dioxide or reduce your oxygen levels.
  • Bandannas and neck gaiters do not work as well at blocking mouth and nose droplets.